Interview with Cathy Leung, Dartslive Official Player

Read Cathy Leung's tips on darts training and her message to all Singapore darters!

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Talented NZ student designs unique dart case

Straight out of New Zealand, here is a unique tournament dart case called the Geo Dart Case, brought to you by the team behind Shot! Darts. This unique design has a triangular 3-slot holes that you can park your darts fully assembled and ready for play immediately. Lined with magnets, the Geo case snaps together firmly at the front to form a compact triangular shape. This gives you the highest level in dart protection while securely holding the...

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Unboxing Target Carrera Octane series

Target Darts recently finished off 2015 with the launch of a slew of new unique darts set called the Target Carrera Octane series. This is a new series featuring the new "Prism" coating, a rainbow coloured titanium coating, embedded within the grooves and cuts of the barrel, so the rainbow colour on the barrel will never fade or be chipped away. The coating is a rainbow type of coat so all the barrels will have a slightly different look and no 2...

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Singapore SoftDarts Championship 2015 review

The Singapore Soft-Darts Championship (SSDC) 2015 was finally back after a break of 3 years. Last held in 2012, the SSDC 2015 tournament was a multi-day full-day soft-tip darts tournament open to all Dartslive league players of Asia. This year's tournament was held over 3 days at the Furama Riverfront Hotel on Aug 14-16, 2015. Darters from Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Indonesia all came together to celebrate 3 days of darts galore. The first...

Friday, July 10, 2015

Interview with Yuji Eguchi, Dartslive Pro Player

We recently had the opportunity to chat with Yuji Eguchi, the Japanese Dartslive Pro Player through a translator when he was invited to attend the DXP 2015 (Dartslive Xtravaganza Party) held at Zouk Singapore on 28 June. Despite the outward appearance of a shy introvert, he is actually quite an unassuming, humble but exuberant, animated and intensely passionate about darts once you get to know him. Eguchi was first introduced to darts by his friends...