DARTSLIVE Singapore's Super League Fiesta Season IV party was so hot that the stage was, literally, on FIRE!
Well, the flame was introduced by 2 talented Fire Breathers right at the start of the end-of-season Super League Fiesta, held on 18 Nov 2012, at Singapore's prime party central - St James Power Station. The Fire Breathers danced with twin batons set on fire and blew fire right out of their mouth! The fiery introduction caught everyone's attention and set the tone of the night - a hot and exciting night! It was, after all, the biggest party specially created for the darters of Singapore.
Fire Breathers setting the stage on fire! |
There were games booths to keep players entertained before the finals game got started, like the darts "tikam tikam" game where players had to hit random targets to reveal hidden prizes. Players also gathered their BFFs or BFP ("Best Favourite Player" like Paul Lim) for the all-important photo booth against a giant Super League poster. Once the drinks started flowing, everyone eagerly awaited the start of Super League Cup Finals game between Ice Ice Baby (from Ice Karaoke) and Matadors (Temple).
Walking on the stage first was the challenger, Matadors, from The Temple. This was followed by the imcumbent winner (by llocation) of the previous season, Ice Ice Baby, who danced "gangnam-style" on to the stage. After a brief introduction, the teams planned their line-up for their first set of games while their supporters cheered both teams.
Ice Ice Baby, helmed by Captain, Sky Neo, was under pressure to win the game to make it a 3-season win for Ice Karaoke, while it was first time on stage for Matadors, helmed by Captain James Quek. In the first doubles game, the experienced Ice team, comprising Jason Tan/Jason Lim quickly gain the upper hand, defeating the Matadors pair of Eddie Low/David Tan in a straight 2-0 game. In the second doubles game, the Matadors pair James Quek/Richard Gillespie slowly gain some traction but the Ice team, Roger Liu/Ong Hao Jie stave off the challenge with a strong showing of their own and Hao Jie was later awarded MVP of the night by Paul Lim himself! In the 3rd game, Matadors' player Zac Hong/Ken Lim tried to put up a fight but could not stop the pair of Osbert/Spencer, both shooting consistently as they sensed the trophy was almost in their grasp and made a quick wrap up of the game. The Super League Cup trophy, Season IV, goes to Ice Karaoke again for a 3-0 win! Congratulations to Ice Ice Baby!
Both teams cheering before start of the game |
MVP - Ong Hao Jie (Ice Ice Baby) |
Ice Ice Baby - S2 Group 1 Champion and Super League Cup Champion |
Super League Cup 2nd place and Premier Division 2nd place - Matadors |
Premier Division Champion - Kronos Hades |
S2 Division Champion - Immortals |
Once the celebration settled down, the prize presentation award ceremony for the various titles and positions got underway. Team after team, all decked out in matching team jersey strode out to collect their trophies. In between, everyone had fun with MC Jeremy introducing some of the drinking party games. This time he got personally roped into the games himself! Lucky draws were also held for some of the special items sponsored, including Paul Lim special flights, expensive darts set, darts accessories and special limited-edition Dartslive Member's Card.
The higher you stand, the higher your chances of grabbing the prize ! |
Yuuuuum Seng! |
The pretty Darts Angels! |
Raise your hand, who wants the prize ?? |
Soon, it was time to bid farewell to the biggest year-end party for darters. See you all again in next season's bigger and better Super League Season V!
Roll call for Super League Season IV Prize Winners:
DARTSLIVE Singapore Super League, Season IV
Super League Cup
Champion - Ice Ice Baby (Ice)
2nd Place - Matadors (Temple)
Joint 3rd - Skull (Mono), Kronos Acheron (Alps)
MVP - Ong Hao Jie (Ice Ice Baby)
Super League, Premier Division
Division Champion - Kronos Hades (Alps)
Division 2nd Place - Matadors (Temple)
Division 3rd Place - SQX Reaper King (Forest)
Super League, S2 Division
Division Champion - Immortals (Clubhouse)
Division 2nd Place - Monks (Temple)
Division Joint 3rd - Forest Monster (Forest), Ice Ice Baby (Ice)
S2 Group Champions
Group 1 - Ice Ice Baby (Ice)
Group 2 - Monks (Temple)
Super League, S3 Division
Division Champion - Kronos Acheron (Alps)
Division 2nd place - Ice Warrior (Ice)
Division Joint 3rd - Pink Panther @ Forest (Forest), Kronos Hyperion (Alps)
S3 Group Champions
Group 1 - Kronos Hyperion (Alps)
Group 2 - Kronos Acheron (Alps)
Super League, S4 Division
Division Champion - KDT G6 (Krugers)
Division 2nd place - Studio Darts (Studio)
Division Joint 3rd - Ice Spike (Ice), Miffy ( Crystabelle )
Division Joint 5th - DND (Drinks & Darts), 花鳥風月@Darts Granz (Runway), Forest Knights (Forest), Cheer Darters (Good Cheers)
S4 Group Champions
Group 1 - Cheer Darters (Good Cheer)
Group 2 - KDT G6 (Krugers)
Group 3 - 花鳥風月@Darts Granz (Runway)
Group 4 - Kronos Hermes (Alps)
Group 5 - Forest Knights (Forest)
Group 6 - KDT One Piece (Krugers)
Touchlive Super League
Champion - Soul Monsters (Senso)
2nd Place - 花鳥風月@Darts Granz (Runway)
3rd Place - The Dictator (TCSS)
Best Jersey - iDarts Senso
Hat Trick Master - Tony Teo (Matadors)
Hat Trick King - Kenneth Chui (Immortals)
Hat Trick Prince - Pau Jin Kuang (Kronos Acheron)
Hat Trick Knight - Carlo Tan (Uno)
More photos can be found on DARTSLIVE Singapore's Facebook Photo Album!
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