Saturday, October 6, 2012

Count-Up Club 1000 winners show the way to improve

Tired of playing the same game of 01 with your friends? Your rating keeps dropping? Or having yet another bad darts day? Well, in any sports or games, when you don’t have any measurable results to train for, your skills will slowly drop.

Count-up Club 1000 Sept 2012 finalists
Count-Up Club 1000 (CC1K) is one such event to train for. It is open exclusively to darters who have achieved a score of at least 1000 and above in a Count-Up game. Created specially by Dartslive Singapore, it gives darters a simple yet measurable target to achieve every month. It is not exactly a simple challenge for most of us as you will need to hit at least 42 points for every dart thrown or 20 bulls on Count-Up, and there are less than 20 players currently who have achieve that in Singapore. Dartslive wants to increase this small pool of talented players by providing a platform to challenge players and at same time provide a standard, measurable target to achieve.

All CC1K members get an exclusive not-for-purchase patch for their jersey
Each month, darters who have achieve this target on the Dartslive Count-Up ranking chart will be invited to participate in the Count-up Club 1000 monthly finals. The winner of the month will walk away with prize money and the title of CC1K Champion of the Month.

During this month's Count-Up finals, first-time participant, S.K. Ang, came without any expectation of winning. However, he almost gave eventual champion, River Ang, a fright with his strong challenge during the first round game. He manage to drag out River to a 2-2 game before finally bowing out in the last cricket game.

SK, who plays at Wiser, have been playing darts for only a few years. "My highest Count-Up was 1036. It was tough but i felt really 'SHIOK' when I hit the score", says SK. He picked up darts on his own and plays and trains with his friends at Wiser. He adds, "The most important thing to get 1000 on the Count-Up is to get your basics right. You can learn and ask from other experienced players. Once you get the basics right, you will improve very fast with practice. After all, practice makes perfect".

Count-Up Club 1000 Sept 2012 Champion - River Ang

This month's CC1K Champion, River Ang, also believes strongly in the saying "Practice makes Perfect". He has this advice for new players, "The more you play, the better you get and the more you will enjoy the game. For new darters, learn from others and try to remember the correct throw, the stroke, the standing position and the release point. But most importantly, you must find a position where you feel is the most comfortable throw for you. You also need to be mentally strong during competitions apart from regular practice and a passion for darts. With these factors, you should get into the Club 1000 very soon".

The finalists at the CC1K finals are getting better and better over the months. River beat Zac Hong, another strong contender, in the Final game to take the title. River adds, "this month's finalists are all very good darters. I felt every game I play tonight is very challenging and crucial".

September 2012 marks the 3rd time River won the title CC1K Champion and he feels Count-Up is a good game for practice, "You can use Count-Up to train for competition and big tournaments like 'The World', where all the opponents are players with very high rating". River, who is a 17 rated player, feels rating is a very good milestone to measure your progress in skill.  "When you play well and use a lot of effort to improve yourself, improve your rating, you will gain a lot of respect from other players, locally or even abroad. I am happy to have made many new friends with other darters from other countries like HK, Taiwan and Malaysia!"

Congratulations to September 2012 CC1K Champion - River Ang!


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